Science Fiction Books

by Angela and Karlheinz Steinmueller

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Books on Science Fiction

Science Fiction

Der letzte Tag auf der Venus. Wiss.-phantastische Erzählungen
(The Last Day on Venus. Science Fiction Stories)
Neues Leben Publ., Berlin 1979 (only by K. Steinmüller)
Revised edition: Die letzten Tage auf der Venus. SF-Erzählungen (The Last Days on Venus)
Neues Leben Publ., Berlin 1991

Andymon. Eine Weltraum-Utopie
(Andymon. A Space Utopia)
Neues Leben Publ., Berlin 1982, also Union Publ. Stuttgart
Revised edition: Shayol Publ., Berlin 2004 (Coll. Works Vol. 2)
New edition: Golkonda Publ., Imprint Memoranda, Munich 2018

Windschiefe Geraden. Science-fiction-Erzählungen
(Skewed Lines. Science Fiction Stories)
Das Neue Berlin Publ., Berlin 1984

Korallen des Alls
([Corals of Space, Story]())
Neues Leben Publ., Berlin 1984 (Series "Das neue Abenteuer" no. 447)

Der Traum vom Großen Roten Fleck und andere Science-Fiction-Geschichten
(The Dream of the Big Red Spot and Other Science-Fiction-Stories)
Suhrkamp Publ., Frankfurt am Main 1985

Pulaster. Roman eines Planeten
(Pulaster. Novel of a Planet)
Neues Leben Publ., Berlin 1986, and Suhrkamp Publ., Frankfurt am Main 1988
Revised edition: Shayol Publ., Berlin 2008 (Coll. Works Vol. 5)
New and enlarged edition: Memoranda Publ., Berlin 2021

Der Traummeister. Phantastischer Roman
(The Dream Master. A Spera Novel) Das Neue Berlin Publ., Berlin 1990, and Heyne Publ., Munich 1992
Revised edition: Shayol Publ., Berlin 2005 (Coll. Works Vol. 4)
New edition: Memoranda Publ., Berlin 2020

Vorgriff auf das Lichte Morgen. Studien zur DDR-Science-Fiction
(Anticipations of a Bright Tomorrow. Studies in East German Science Fiction)
EDFC - Erster Deutsche Fantasy Club, Passau 1995

Visionen. 1900 - 2000 - 2100. Eine Chronik der Zukunft
(Visions. 1900 - 2000 - 2100. A Chronology of the Future)
Rogner & Bernhard Publ., Hamburg 1999
(some of the entries are short science fiction stories)

Warmzeit. Geschichten aus dem 21. Jahrhundert
(Hothouse Age. Stories from the 21st Century)
Shayol Publ., Berlin 2003 (Coll. Works Vol. 1)

Spera. Phantastischer Roman in Erzählungen
(Spera. Phantastic Novel in Stories)
Shayol-Verlag, Berlin 2004 (Coll. Works Vol. 3)
New edition Golkonda Publ. Imprint Memoranda, Munich 2018

Computerdämmerung. Phantastische Erzählungen
(Twilight for Computers. Phantastic Stories)
Shayol-Verlag, Berlin 2010 (Coll. Works Vol. 6)

Die Wurmloch-Odyssee. Eine Weltraum-Operette
(The Wormhole Odyssey. A Space Operetta)
by Erik Simon, Angela and Karlheinz Steinmüller
Golkonda Publ., Imprint Memoranda, Munich 2017 (Coll. Works Vol. 7)

Leichter als Vakuum. Die Zwystein-Manuskripte. Die Größte Reise
(Lighter than Vacuum. The Zwystein Manuscripts. The Greatest Voyage)
by Erik Simon, Angela and Karlheinz Steinmüller
Golkonda Publ., Imprint Memoranda, Munich 2017 (Coll. Works Vol. 8)

Sphärenklänge. Geschichten von der Relativistischen Flotte
(Celestial Sounds. Stories of the Relativistic Fleet)
Golkonda Publ., Imprint Memoranda, Munich & Berlin 2019 (Coll. Works Vol. 9)

Marslandschaften. Phantastische Erzählungen
(Martian Landscapes. Phantastic Stories)
Memoranda Publ., Berlin 2020 (Coll. Works Vol. 10)

Eskapaden. Phantasien und Fiktionen
Escapades. Fantasies and Fictions by Erik Simon and Angela & Karlheinz Steinmüller
Memoranda Publ., Berlin 2024 (Special volume 1)

Not science fiction:

Charles Darwin. Vom Käfersammler zum Naturforscher. Biografie
(Charles Darwin. From Beetle Collector to Naturalist. A Biography)
Neues Leben Publ., Berlin 1985
New edition as
Darwins Welt. Aus dem Leben eine unfreiwilligen Revolutionärs
(Darwin's World. The Life of an Involuntary Revolutionary)
oekom Publ., Munich 2008

Sorry, all books are available only in German language. As Harry Harrison once expressed it: "Science fiction is a downhill process." - It flows from the Anglosaxon heights to the rest of the world.