By Angela and Karlheinz Steinmüller
Rogner & Bernhard Publishers Hamburg 1999
Published at the wake of the new century, Visions is presenting an unique history of the future, beginning with the year 1900 and ending with 2100 - 201 visions for 201 years. In a way, the book is a cultural history of future thinking, with pictures of the future from the most different fields: science, technology and the arts, architecture and politics, ecology and literature. Wheras the chapters for the years up to 2000 present visions in their year of origin (or at least close to it), the 100 chapters devoted to the 21st century outline the visionary thinking of today.
As the German edition of the journal Vogue expressed it: "A reading still for the day after tomorrow - and surely without any fashinable millennium fads."