Content Wild-Cards
Angela und Karlheinz Steinmüller
Wild Cards - When the improbable happens
(Murmann Verlag Hamburg 2004, updated and extended edition of "Ungezähmte Zukunft", Gerling Akademie Verlag Munich 2003)
- Disasters, trend reversals and other imponderables
- Wild Cards - Basics
- The Life Cycle of Wild Cards
- Wild Card Management: Dealing with disruptive events
- Approaches to a systematics
- Wild Cards, Chaos and Risk
- Alternative History: The Benefits of Historic Wild Cards
- Wild cards in futurology
- Experiences with Wild Cards
Catalog of Wild Cards
- Infinite Energy
- Lighter than air
- Your friend, the robot.
- Telephoning makes you sick
- Language instead of writing
- Production /@home
- End of Moore's law
- Anyone can be a telepath
- There's nothing more secret on the net
- Learning by Download
- E.T.'s calling.
Economy and Finance
- E-Cash goes Globo
- Europe looks east
- Exchange instead of money
- Euro collapse
- One per mil for the world
- world financial crash
- Asia lets its muscles play
- Small Change for Developing Countries
- blackout
- Risks without insurance
- Manager on the pillory
- Free travel on private motorways
- Allah is with the Tolerants
- The nation states face competition
- The Middle East explodes
- UNO - goodbye!
- Lightning over Kashmir
- The USA on the retreat
- Cyber-Zorro strikes
- State without civil servants
- Transatlantic Confrontation
- The self-organized society
- Brussels speaks Latin
Values, Lifestyles, Consumption
- Vegetarian Revolution
- Wrath of God, wrath of nature
- Young against old
- The androgynous society
- Return to children, kitchen and church
- outpouring of the Holy Spirit
- Hyper becomes normal
- pictoranto
- Sleeping is out
Population and Health
- A new baby boom
- Collapse of fertility
- The new plague
- Immigration country EU
- Life expectancy 100
- Bacteria become immune
- boy or girl of your choice
- Europe is closing
- Tuvalu against the United States
- Asteroid meets Earth
- The year of hunger
- Countries under
- In the solar wind
- Algae on their way out
- Displacement of the Gulf Stream