The story “Marslandschaften” (Martian Landscapes) from the collection with the same title has been awarded the Kurd-Laßwitz-Preis (Kurd Laßwitz Award) for “the best German SF story of 2020”. It is already the fourth KLP awarded to the Steinmüllers. One of the earlier KLPs went to Angela, another to Angela and Karlheinz, and the third one was given to the Steinmüllers and Erik Simon. Hélène Smith, the (real) medium, that inspired the story, has painted fictional Martian landscapes and also her Martian informant Astané (from the book of Théodore Flournoy: »Des Indes à la Planète Mars. Étude sur un cas de Somnambulisme avec Glossolalie«, 1900).
The KLP was first awarded in 1980. Its jury consists of German-speaking SF professionals (writers, editors, translators, designers, journalists). More information on the KLP website.